British & Allied Awards
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WW1 Victory Medal
Imperial Service Medal
WW2 1939 - 1945 Star
WW2 Atlantic Star with France/Germany Bar
WW2 India Service Medal
Special Constabulary  Faithful Service Award - George VI
Issued to all ranks of the Special Constabulary for 9 years un-paid service, with more than 50 duties per year.
Named for - Albert Robinson
The 1914-19 Victory Medal was awarded to all warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the British Dominion, Colonial and Indian Forces, who actually served with a unit in a theatre of War, during the First World War 1914-19. 
Named for:-

Atlantic Star with France and Germany Bar
India Service
1939 - 1945 Star
Imperial Service
WW1 Victory Medal
WW2 Africa Star
WW2 Africa Star with 1st Army Bar
WW2 Africa Star with 8th Army Bar
WW2 Africa Star 1st Army
WW2 Africa Star 8th Army
WW2 Africa Star
WW2 Pacific Star with Burma Bar
WW2 Pacific Star Burma